Line Dance Etiquette
Please don't think of these as "rules"... more "manners".
They are just guidelines, and they're here to help you enjoy your dancing.
Never walk through a block of dancers.
Don't bring food or drink onto a dance floor.
When someone's dancing, don't interrupt them. They are probably concentrating!
Be kind to beginners. We were all beginners once!
Dance the first four walls without any variations. After that, feel free to improvise.
Be considerate of others. That way, we all have a great time!
Sometimes, we need to share a dance floor with partner dancers. They have right of way, and they will dance anti-clockwise around the outside of the floor. Line dancers in the middle of the floor - keep your steps small.
If there's a tricky dance being danced, it's acceptable to "split the floor" and dance something easier. Usually, the easier dance will be danced at the back.