Benefits of Line Dancing at Laughter in Line.
Line dancing is a fun activity that gives you three key benefits all in one go!
Health Benefits
Line dancing is a low-impact form of exercise, so it's ideal for all levels of ability. If you want to get fitter, or you are pretty fit but looking for something fun, line dancing will suit you.
They say "motion is lotion" so even if you have dodgy knees or hips... or whatever... you'll find line dancing will suit you. There are easier options given and you should find that your heart rate will rise even without you noticing. Line dancing has also been shown to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and much more - read more at Dancing for the Dream.

"Laughter" in Line
"Laughter and smiling could be the best way to ward off the winter blues, according to a Bristol expert. Occupational therapy lecturer at Bristol UWE, Alice Hartop, said people can help themselves to feel better on long winter nights simply by having a laugh.
She has been researching in the area of laughter therapy for more than 12 years and says "a chuckle can increase "happy chemicals" in the brain... I have been completely inspired by the power of laughter therapy to lift mood, reduce pain connect people and boost motivation and confidence.
As the cold winter nights draw in, many of us begin to experience a dip in mood. We can all help ourselves by injecting a bit of laughter into our lives." (Article in the Bristol Observer, 24 January 2013.)
At Laughter in Line, we encourage having a laugh as part of the fun of dancing - see the Reviews page for evidence that it works!

Social benefits

Come on! What are you waiting for??
It's not just dancing, it's making friends!
We are not a "clicky" club - everyone helps one another out - from experienced dancers helping new members, to having fun on party night. You'll find you'll start to bump into people you know.
If you want to widen your social circle, Laughter in Line will do that if you come regularly!
What's more, everyone's welcome at Laughter in Line, so we have all shapes and sizes, young people and older people, men and women, mums and daughters, single people and married people... and we all fit into the saying:
"Line Dancers are Lovely People!"
If you'd like to join us - read more Information for New Members or find out about Your First Class.
You'll be very welcome!
Please note that we are not insured for children under 16. Sorry!